Business Cube and Partners, Inc. (Biz3) is a consulting firm providing services for the clients in high-tech electronics manufacturing industry. In addition to the consulting service, assessment/audit and various training services are provided.
Our company took a core role in founding intacsTM, issuing official Japanese translation of Automotive SPICE and so on. Moreover, Biz3 is actively engaged in providing information about Automotive SPICE and Functional Safety (ISO 26262) in Japan through contributing articles to Nikkei BP magazine, participating in working groups of JASPAR (Japan Automotive Software Platform and Architecture) and JASA (Japan Information Security Audit Association), and dispatching instructors to ASIF seminar and workshop.
We also published four Automotive SPICE Guidebooks and two Functional Safety Guidebooks (Sales agency: Nikkei BP).
Corporate Profile: Click
Our Services: Click
Biz3 Leaflets provided during VDA Automotive Sys Conference 2019: Click